Individuals or groups (with a maximum of three members) can apply for the TWO-year visa. When the visa expires, its holder can apply to extend their stay by one to two years on condition that the his or her business operations have been verified (note). After staying in Taiwan for five consecutive years and more than 183 days in each of these years, he or she becomes eligible to apply for the Permanent Resident Certificate.
The main consideration for granting this visa is innovation. Individual or group applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
1. Having received funding from a domestic or foreign venture capital enterprise or the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan Business Angel Investment Program; or having raised NT$2 million or more on a domestic, foreign or international startup fundraising platforms recognized by the government;
2. Having joined an international innovation or startup park/program recognized by the central or a local government over the past year; or having joined a startup incubator verified, operated or confirmed by the central or a local government, or one assessed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs as an excellent or approved startup incubator;
3. Having obtained a patent for an invention abroad, or a domestic patent for an invention or design; or having received recognition of professional skills;
4. Having won a prize in a prominent entrepreneurial or design competition domestically or abroad; or having made a successful application for a government program aimed at encouraging foreign entrepreneurs to move to Taiwan;
5. An enterprise or its person in charge that has received a nomination or award in a prominent domestic or foreign film festival;
6. Having received approval for innovative funding exceeding NT$2 million from the central government or funding exceeding NT$1 million from the local government;
7. Having been recognized or recommended for innovation by other competent central government authorities; or
8. Having established an enterprise in Taiwan that meets the recognized criteria of an innovative startup, assumed a position as its person in charge, manager or supervisor, and invested over NT$1 million in the enterprise.
Note: Definition of business operations is revenues exceeding NT$3 million, expenditure exceeding NT$1 million or employing three full-time Taiwanese employees.
捷瑞移民顧問有限公司 註冊登記證第C0214號