We are the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm in Taiwan to hold licenses for both of these services: Immigration Consultancy and Employment Services.

We have expertise in a wide range of areas, including company establishment, work permits for people from other countries, health and labor insurance and personal tax returns.

公司登記 - 捷瑞會計師事務所

Company Registration

Company establishment and registration, taxable entity registration, branch offi...
稅務申報 - 捷瑞會計師事務所

Taxation Services

We help clients file a variety of taxes: VAT, business income tax, withholding t...
帳務簿記 - 捷瑞會計師事務所


Bookkeeping, preparation of financial statements, advice on taxation, personal t...
外商設立 - 捷瑞會計師事務所

Investors from other countries

We are the only Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm in Taiwan licensed to pro...
薪資勞健保 - 捷瑞會計師事務所

Payroll and social insurance

Creation of a company payroll system, monthly salary calculation and payment, is...
審計簽證 - 捷瑞會計師事務所


Auditing of financial reports, taxation and company capital.
工作居留 - 捷瑞會計師事務所

Work Permit

We help people from other countries to apply for work permits and Alien Resident...